Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/10/20; Updated 4/2/24

联邦法规要求所有接受联邦财政援助的人都必须注册 in a degree-seeking program, be taking 课程 required for that program, and maintain 取得令人满意的学业进展(SAP)以维持其学位资格.

Schools participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs are required to establish, 发布并应用标准来监督完成学位的进度. 学生 receiving federal, state and or/institutional financial aid must be in good academic 站 and making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as outlined in the requirements 下面. 良好的学业成绩意味着学生没有被排除在学业之外 学习支持解雇. 满意的学业进步是进步 student toward his or her degree objective in a manner consistent with the prescribed 十大正规网赌平台的政策.

    • SAP status is based on the student’s entire academic record, at all schools attended, 无论学生是否获得经济资助.
    • SAP状态在每学期结束时,注册办公室结束后计算 有没有在学生的学术历史上张贴成绩.
    • 学生 are considered to be making SAP during their first term at EGSC, unless the 一个学生在以前的机构的最新学术地位是一个可以 禁止他们返回机构.

十大正规网赌平台 complies with federal requirements by monitoring each student’s academic progress against three standards: Qualitative (cumulative grade point average-GPA), Quantitative (completion rate-pace), and 最大时间范围 for completion of degree.


To maintain the qualitative measure for SAP for financial aid purposes a student 必须:

        • 累积GPA为1.1-18小时5或更大;
        • 累积GPA为1.尝试时间19-33小时为7或更高;
        • 累积GPA为1.尝试34-48小时,8或更高,
        • 累积GPA为1.49-63小时的尝试时间为9或更高,
        • 累积GPA为2分.0或更大,尝试64小时或更长时间.



为学生的经济援助目的维持SAP的定量测量 必须:

        • 在1-18小时的尝试中,累计速度达到50%或更高;
        • 在19-33小时的尝试中,累计配速达到55%或更高;
        • 在34-48小时内,累计配速达到60%或更高;
        • 在49-63小时内,累计速度达到65%或更高;
        • 在64小时以上的尝试中,累计速度达到67%或更高.

When calculating Pace, EGSC will round up the percentage to the nearest whole number.


学生可以尝试攻读学位所需时间的150% 水平. 在副学士级别,学生最多可以学习93个学期 根据最大时间框架,在失去经济援助资格前几个小时. At 在学士学位阶段,学生最多可以学习183个学时 在没有资格获得基于最长时间框架的经济援助之前.

Completion of the cumulative credit hours attempted, including transfer hours accepted 由学院,将在每学期结束时进行评估,以确定成功 completion Grades of F, I, IP, NR, SU, U, W, WF, and WM do not indicate successfully 完成了课程.


学业进展不理想的学生将收到一份书面报告 经济援助办公室的通知,发送到学生的EGSC电子邮件帐户.

    • 第一次通知- FA警告.
      • 学生 who are not meeting SAP because of completion 比 and/or cumulative GPA 有资格获得一学期的经济资助,但成绩为FA警告.
      • 当学生被置于FA警告状态时,将通过电子邮件通知他们 为获得这一地位的援助,必须提出上诉.
      • 学生 must meet the SAP requirements at the end of their next term of enrollment 或者失去经济援助资格.
      • 学生只有在达到SAP标准的情况下才会被置于警告级别 这是他们最后一次上课. 
    • 第二次通知- FA停赛. 
      • After two consecutive terms of not meeting the academic progress standard all federal, 国家和机构的财政援助资格被暂停.
      • 学生有权提出上诉以重新获得经济援助资格.
      • 提交成功上诉的学生将被列入 学术计划 and be required to meet their approved plan each term or be placed back on FA Suspension.

If at any time a student’s progress demonstrates that it is mathematically impossible to achieve a GPA and rate of progress sufficient to complete their program of study, 所有的经济援助将被暂停,学生没有资格上诉.

学生 who are placed on Suspension and have had their appeal for continued eligibility 被拒绝,或未能满足学术计划的条件,不符合资格 获得任何额外的经济援助,直到他们达到最低标准 作为出版. 因情有可原的情况而暂停经济援助的例外情况 会否以个案或上诉方式考虑


Any financial aid recipient has the right to appeal the suspension of financial aid 根据他/她的受伤或疾病、亲属死亡或其他 特殊情况下.


    • Appeals must be submitted online using the Academic and Financial Aid Appeal Application form. 
    • 学生 should meet with their student success coach for assistance with completing 上诉申请.
    • 需要证明文件.
      • In cases involving injury, illness, death of relative, supporting documentation is 向医生、神职人员、专业人员等请求.
      • In cases involving extenuating/特殊情况下, the type of documentation will 视情况而定. 需要一份描述情况的声明.
    • In all cases, students should include a statement outlining what has changed in the student’s situation that will help progression towards meeting SAP in the following 学期.
    • Appeals submitted without documentation of 特殊情况下 are unlikely to be 成功,并将考虑仅基于GPA和进度率.
    • The appeal must be submitted by the published deadline for the term the student wishes 接受经济援助.
    • 上诉将由学术和财政援助委员会审查.
    • 学生 will be notified of the Committee’s decision via EGSC Student Email account.


    • If a student’s appeal is successful, they may receive financial aid for one additional 付款期. 这将被视为试用期.
    • At the end of the probation period, students must meet the requirements of the Academic Plan or the student’s financial aid will be suspended until such time they can meet the minimum standards or successfully appeal the decision based on current circumstances.


十大正规网赌平台 has instituted an academic plan program to allow students who do not meet the financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards to continue 如果他们符合某些要求,他们的援助资格. 学术计划要求 是否比公布的标准更严格.

The conditions for students who are granted aid continuation based on academic plans 是:


在学术计划(APLAN)中,学生必须保持2.平均绩点为0 complete 60% of attempted hours each 学期 until the student’s cumulative GPA meets the published standard and overall completion rate meets or exceed the required benchmark.


在学术计划(APMAX)中,学生必须保持2.25个学期的平均成绩 每学期完成75%的课时.


在FA警告后一学期未达到SAP的学生将被列入a 学术计划 without the need to submit an appeal if they completed the FA Warning 2分的学期.0学期GPA. 如果本学期GPS少于2.0学生 是否需要提交上诉.


    • Incomplete Grades, IPs, missing grades, Failing Grades, course Withdrawals: All reduce your completion 比 because they are counted as attempted, but not earned, credits. 它们也会计入你的最大尝试时间.
    • 复读课程:每次注册时都以尝试时数计算. 数 在允许的最大时间框架内. 减少你的完成率,因为重复 积分只能算一次.
    • 学习支持课程:需要注册学习支持课程的学生 coursework may attempt up to 30 credit hours in learning support 课程 (per federal 规定). 学习支持课程的30学时将被视为尝试 学生学习计划的最大时间框架内的小时数. 这些时间也是 在“令人满意的学业进步”的定性测量中计算,但在“满意的学业进步”中不计算 定量(速度)测量. 
    • 转换学分,在临时学习期间取得的学分,以及在短期学习期间取得的学分 enrolled in Study Abroad: 数 toward your maximum attempted credits and your completion 比. 注意:学分计算为尝试,但不是赚取,直到你的正式成绩单 是由EGSC注册主任办公室审核及处理的.
    • Late Posted Grades or Grade Changes: May have an effect on the student’s current SAP 站. EGSC注册办公室将通知财政援助办公室 成绩的变化已被记录在学生的学习记录上. 金融办公室 援助将重新评估学生目前的FA SAP地位. 学生将被通知 如果FA SAP立场改变. 学生可能被要求偿还任何奖励 如果财政援助被暂停,已支付的期限.
    • Dismissal and Return: 学生 who are suspended academically or choose not to attend because of Financial Aid Suspension will not be automatically eligible for financial 在他们返回时提供援助. 学生必须同时达到定性和定量的标准 FA SAP. 学生必须使用经济援助以外的手段来支付他们的教育费用 费用. 了解他们的SAP是学生的责任 站 when returning to school after dismissal or choosing not to return because SAP悬浮液.
    • Summer Term Courses: All hours attempted and completed in the summer term are treated 在确定SAP状态的任何其他学期学时. 之后检查SAP 夏季学期也是如此.
    • Audit Courses: 学生 are not eligible 接受经济援助 assistance for audit 课程. Audited 课程 are not included in hours attempted or earned for SAP determination.